29.03.2016 - Tags:

11/2014 - Plain text is to be removed from the internet

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) claimed on the 91st IETF-meeting that data transfer on the internet should principally be encrypted. In its current 'declaration on sensitivity on the internet', the IAB demands that internet traffic shall be protected altogether against any other reader. Plain text transfers via IP are supposed to be allowed only in exceptional cases by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in future [source: heise.de]. This is the standard of our solutions.

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29.03.2016 - On February 10th was 'Safer Internet Day' (SID) worldwide [more...]

29.03.2016 - More support for Open Source in response to increasing mass surveillance [more...]

29.03.2016 - On June 30<sup>th</sup> was DNSSEC-Day [more...]

29.03.2016 - Small-scale and medium-sized enterprises underestimate safety hazards resulting from cyber attacks [more...]

29.03.2016 - User Data Manifesto 2.0: Fundamental Rights for Users of Online Services [more...]

29.03.2016 - aixzellent&rsquo;s Kickstarter campaign is online [more...]

29.03.2016 - Our aixcloud app for your Private Cloud solution is also available for iOS from now on [more...]

29.03.2016 - Let&rsquo;s Encrypt with SSL-Certificates free of charge for everyone will start soon [more...]

29.03.2016 - Our new aixptm app to increase time management efficiently is available for Android [more...]

29.03.2016 - aixzellent recommends the DNSSEC/TLSA Validator for additional data security [more...]
