29.03.2016 - Tags:

04/2014 - Heartbleed-GAU with disastrousd consequences

OpenSSL vulnerabilities result in a considerable safety gap on correspondingly installed servers (at our place this contains essentially all of them). The immediately available software patches had already been installed on our servers when the announcement was formally published. The monitoring of our servers did not indicate their possible collapse at any time. Nevertheless, all SSL certificates and access data are constantly updated.

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29.03.2016 - Verschlüsseln bietet weiterhin Schutz! [more...]

29.03.2016 - Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre Internet-Systeme [more...]

29.03.2016 - Optimaler Betrieb auf dedizierten Systemen [more...]

29.03.2016 - Safe communication with mail servers [more...]

29.03.2016 - Telekom, GMX & Co. will encrypt in future [more...]

29.03.2016 - Heartbleed-GAU with disastrousd consequences [more...]

29.03.2016 - The end of Truecrypt - what a shame [more...]

29.03.2016 - Microsoft has to grant access to users' data in Europe [more...]

29.03.2016 - Plain text is to be removed from the internet [more...]

29.03.2016 - What is still safe (Truecrypt, SSL, ssh, ...) [more...]
