29.03.2016 - Tags:

01/2014 - Safe communication with mail servers

We establish the mail servers of our clients already in the basic configuration in a way that all mail traffic from (e.g. via pop, imap oder mapi) and to (e.g. via smtp oder mapi) the server is always encrypted. Thereby, we also pay attention that 'perfect forward secrecy' is usually ensured.

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29.03.2016 - Verschlüsseln bietet weiterhin Schutz! [more...]

29.03.2016 - Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre Internet-Systeme [more...]

29.03.2016 - Optimaler Betrieb auf dedizierten Systemen [more...]

29.03.2016 - Safe communication with mail servers [more...]

29.03.2016 - Telekom, GMX & Co. will encrypt in future [more...]

29.03.2016 - Heartbleed-GAU with disastrousd consequences [more...]

29.03.2016 - The end of Truecrypt - what a shame [more...]

29.03.2016 - Microsoft has to grant access to users' data in Europe [more...]

29.03.2016 - Plain text is to be removed from the internet [more...]

29.03.2016 - What is still safe (Truecrypt, SSL, ssh, ...) [more...]
